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What is the meaning of a tarot card?
TAROT CARD MEANING: Playing cards are thought to have originated in eastern Europe, Egypt, or Asia, but it appears that the Italians added the 'Face' cards, and subsequently, the power cards now known as the Major Arcana.
In the same way Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit have evolved and expanded over the years, so have the Tarot Cards, though the Tarot Cards have had a five-hundred year headstart. So originally, the cards supposedly weren't used for 'readings' and 'psychic predictions.' Perhaps it was in France, home of Nostradamus, when the cards took on magical and mystical purposes.
Be aware of the psychology!
Tarot and psychotherapy seem to be natural partners. Many of the most experienced tarot readers are already using the cards to help their clients in ways that have more in common with psychotherapy than divination.
This seems to me to be a good time for the two disciplines to officially meet and join forces. Don't we all have issues that relate to every major arcana card? I have come to believe that although we may all benefit from working with every Birth Card Continuum, our own set of Birth Cards describe us in some way that the others do not.
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