Tarot gratis

- Looking for a GRATIS tarot reading? -

What can one expect from a (gratis) tarot reading?

TAROT CARDS: represent the fact that we all want to know what the future has in store for us. One could argue that it's actually commendable to want to make good decisions in the present based on our knowledge of the future.

So, rather than basing your actions on a deck of cards and betting your future on the whims of card readers who admit that "nothing is written in stone," why not place your trust in the unchangeable God who wants to be personally involved in your future.

Be aware of the TAROT nature!!!

Tarot Cards are considered to be fortune-telling and life-revealing in nature, therefore we believe that perhaps some gypsy folk traveled from Greek into Europe and introduced the cards there. And perhaps the earliest known Tarot decks are Italian because they were beautifully handpainted and restored.

Yes, it was also a traditional card game. We think the card game could also have been a 'Front' for their true purpose. In those days, it wasn't wise to say, do, or think differently than what the church recommended. (Galileo had extreme difficulty doing that TWO-HUNDRED YEARS later). So we believe that the Tarot was used for psychological purposes (and mystic healing) from the start. From there, we believe that the French probably.

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Free Online Tarot Card Reading



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